Participate in JetPad IDO (investor)

Maximize your earnings by joining Jetpad

Join Proposal voting:

You can explore the new project proposal and vote "Yes" or "No" via Snapshot. Your voting is very important for project itself and the KDX ecosystem as well, so please DYOR before making decision.

Conditions to be met:

  1. All voting participants must be staking at least 1 KDX token to get the right to join voting. The total amount of KDX tokens from voting participants have to reach the required number of KDX tokens at the end of voting time (verified by on-chain data snapshot). The number of KDX tokens from voting participants will be snapshot at the exact time when project owner submits the proposal to our JetPad.

  2. The number of people voting for the answer "Yes" must be greater than the answer "No" when the voting period expires.

Fund RaiseRequired amount of KDX from voting participant

$10.000 - $99.000


$100.000 - $499.000


> $500.000


  • Fund raise must be the multiplier of $1.000

  • Minimum fund raise is $10.000

  • The required amount will be revised by community vote after each quarter

Join JetPad Token Launch

To join in the JetPad Token Launch on Kaidex, there are 2 ways that you can participate: -Becoming a KDX member and join in Membership Pool (with a maximum size of x% over Total Fund Raised) -Get whitelisted and join in Whitelisted Pool (with a minimum size of y% over Total Fund Raised). *X & Y percentage will be determined by each project.

  1. Becoming a KDX Member and join in Membership Pool. At the time of an IDO event goes live, you can join and commit the number of KAI tokens for the duration of 15 hours, so be aware that you should prepare enough KAI. The maximum tokens Membership users can commit is determined by your KDX Membership Tier, the Allocation Rate for each project with the formula. Maximum commit = Allocation Point * Allocation Rate E.g: Project A has Allocation Rate = $5. User X is Bronze Tier with Allocation Point = 1, User Y is Silver Tier with Allocation Point = 5, User Z is Platinum Tier with Allocation Point = 60. So maximum commit of each user is: User X = 1 * $5 = $5 User Y = 5 * $5 = $25 User Z = 60* $5 = $300 The maximum size of the Membership Pool will be x% of Total Fund Raised. This percentage and the Allocation Rate will be depend on each project and be announced along with IDO schedule. After the IDO ends, you can claim your new tokens and receive KAI in return ( If project funding target is overvalued) *Overvalued market cap: If the amount of KAI tokens committed by users is greater than the fund raised (in this case greater than the x% of Membership Pool), their final allocation of the new token is determined by the ratio of their committed KAI token against the total committed KAI token by all participating users.

  2. Get Whitelisted and join in Whitelisted Pool After the Membership pool closed, Whitelisted Pool will be open for users who got whitelisted for 9 hours, so be vigilant for whitelisted activity and get a slot. The minimum size of the Whitelisted Pool will be y% of Total Fund Raised, and will also include the leftover of Membership Pool in the case Membership user can not commit to fully x%. Each whitelisted user will have a maximum commit amount depend on each project. This number, along with total number of whitelisted user, and minimum Whitelisted pool size will also be announced along with IDO schedule. After the IDO ends, you can claim your new tokens and receive KAI in return ( If project funding target is overvalued) *Overvalued market cap: If the amount of KAI tokens committed by users is greater than the fund raised (in this case greater than the y% and leftover of Membership Pool), their final allocation of the new token is determined by the ratio of their committed KAI token against the total committed KAI token by all participating users. There will also be a 2% fee charged over the total value of token claimed in KAI for Whitelisted user if they decide to commit (this fee in KAI will be used to buy back KDX and burn that KDX token amount later). Eg: If your total commit is 200 KAI, but overvalued happened and you can only claim new token worth of 150 KAI and received 50 KAI in return => You will be charged a fee of 3 KAI (2% of 150KAI) when claimed the new token

REFUND FUNCTION (Only available for KDX Membership user)

When the IDO ends and you can start claiming your token, their are 2 options you can choose: Claim your token OR get a refund within 2 hours after the claim time. You can not choose to get a refund anymore if you have claimed the token. If you choose to get a refund, you will received 95% of your committed fund. If overvalued happened, you will received 95% of your actual committed on new token and the rest in full. The 5% left will send back to the project.

What is KDX Membership?

Last updated