
KAIDEX V3 is a product of KAISO Network - founded by Lew Tran also known as CTO of KardiaChain. It's a ever-growing blockchain community with over 100 active contributors aims to grow the ecosystem of KardiaChain.

Well-known contributors are:



Product Director


Head of Business Development


Head of Engineer

Prince Shakespur

Global Ambasador


Legendary Mod

The team is not limited to the above list. As a DAO-driven project, many community members are contributing, on a regular basis, to different aspects of the project, such as Branding, Marketing, Customer Support, Community Managing.

Social media channels

We keep the flame of community burning bright via community conversations, and governance call on our social media channels

πŸ‘‰ Join our Telegram group chat here

πŸ‘‰ Subscribe our Telegram announcement here

πŸ‘‰ Follow our "CT" here - Crypto Twitter is the home of memes, inside jokes and drama; those looking to keep abreast of the never ending torrent of crypto news

πŸ‘‰ Follow our Medium here

πŸ‘‰ Check out our DAO avenue here to informed about key community topics, share ideas, challenge and debate DAO proposals

Last updated